The art of lettering involves artistically crafting letters to emphasise any subject and evoke a certain feeling. Lettering is frequently employed as a symbol of uniqueness, workmanship, and heritage that leaves a lasting impression on the viewers. Illustrations and lettering are combined seamlessly to create illustrative lettering, which leaves a lasting impression on viewers.
These artworks were created as a result of the Illustrative Lettering module in the Artpreneur Program by the Realm of Dragonflies Students, who do not have any prior knowledge in illustrations or lettering. Whatever you are seeing is an output of 20 days module inside our one year program. The secret recipe of the program helps amateur students to reach lettering mastery in days. Join our program and master art, design and branding.
Illustration Style:
Illustrative Lettering
Illustrated by:
Realm of Dragonflies,
Students, July 2021 - 2022
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