Here is the second part of the four part series of Indian dance forms in Art Deco Illustration style, (Do checkout the previous parts of the series)
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DANDIYA (Gujarat)
Popularly performed during Navratri festival in the state of Gujarat/India. There are two sub categories called Raas (where dance is prominent) and Raasda (where music is more prominent). Dance usually is performed as pairs also it is high intense and high energy. Attire is usually very colorful and is performed with dandy sticks in hand

BHAVAI (Rajasthan)
Bhavai originated from state of Rajasthan where water is scarce, hence women fetch water by balancing multiple pots in their head. This dance form has thus evolved. Men typically sing while playing instruments like sarangi. Women balance number of earthen post as they dance on top of glass bottles or edge of a sword. Experience performers balance more than 20+ pots

BIHU (Assam)
Bihu is performed by young men and women in the state of Assam during Bohag Bihu festival in the month of April. Rapid hand movements with matching brisk steps are the characteristics of the dance. Men play musical instruments like horn pipes, flute, dhol, while women perform the dance. Usually the dance occurs near a fig tree. This dance served principally as a courtship dance