Rumi's quote "What you seek is seeking you" has played a significant role in shaping my life's story.
It expresses the idea that our thoughts and intentions have the power to manifest our desires in mysterious ways through the universe. As we follow our inner seeking, we experience a new level of energy, happiness, and fulfilment, and everything seems to fall into place magically. Our deepest desires become visible to us because they are seeking us back.
Framed Art Print - Merchandise - Inner musings & Inspiring Gifting options
Final Illustration of the Rumi quote
Thumbnail Sketches for quick layouts to get idea of the composition that suits the lettering
Rough sketch improvising the chosen thumbnail sketch & detailing it
Inking (Outline) Illustration with all the details and finishing with proper outlines using blob brush
Notebook cover Visualisation - Merchandise Design
My hope is that my lettering will inspire others to trust in their creativity and embrace the journey towards their goals. Rumi's quote serves as a powerful reminder of the connection between our desires and the universe and the magic that unfolds when we trust the journey.
Wall Painting Visualisation of the Hand-Lettered Rumi quote
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