“The love between a mother and daughter knows no distance “. This project is straight from the heart and describes ‘The Life of a Mother and Daughter’ through various phases and stages of life. Through the illustrations we see how there is an unbreakable bond between them and it only grows stronger with time.
This is an illustrated Ode to Motherhood.

Beginning of motherhood journey.. a bond for life.

From learning to crawl to taking the first step a mother is always there to hold your hand

A child’s first teacher is her mother. The ABCs and the endless singing of nursery rhymes.

A modern mother knows and understands the need for mental health and selfcare and she ensures her daughter develops this practice

A frantic SOS whine and a mom jumps in to assist and save the day.

There comes a time when a daughter starts seeing her mom as the prettiest woman and wants to be like her. The moments shared while trying a new hair style or applying lipstick are priceless

Learning to take responsibility starts from home and a mother always takes care to teach her daughter everything she needs to be self sufficient

In today’s day and age it’s best to be financially independent and no one can instill the confidence to be a working woman more than a mom.

Life has its ups and downs and Mom is the best shoulder to lean on. A mother knows its important to be practical and not everything is rosy.

All work and no play makes Jill a dull girl.A mother and daughter have this special bond where they share inside jokes and common hobbies and passion.

A girl needs her mom the most when she is embarking on her own journey of motherhood. All life lessons are revised.

Life comes a full circle .. and the teacher becomes a student when the daughter teaches her mother how to use modern technology.
This is dedicated to all mother's out there who spend their life nurturing and taking care of their kids selflessly.
Cheers.. to all mumma's from the stay at home to the working a job mom.You are the best!