Navratri is an Indian festival which honours Devi Durga, the Divine Goddess and the all pervading Shakti. It is also called Durga Puja and it occurs over 9 days and ends with Dussehra also known as Vijayadasami.
During Navratri, Goddess Durga is worshipped in nine different forms with a dedication day for each during Navratri. Presenting to you the nine forms of Devi Durga, known as Navdurga along with the the respective mantras to invoke each Divine form.

Shailaputri - meaning daughter of the mountain (Shaila) took birth in the house of Lord Himalaya and she is worshipped on the first day of Navratri.
Oṃ Devī Śailaputryai Namaḥ

Brahmacharini is the goddess of penance who was born as Sati and is worshipped on the second day of Navratri.
Oṃ Devī Brahmacāriṇyai Namaḥ

Chandraghanta, a powerful form of Durga adorns her forehead with the moon. She is worshipped on the 3rd day of Navratri. She is ready to protect the welfare of her devotees.
Oṃ Devī Chandraghaṇṭāyai Namaḥ

Kushmanda has been named for her power and capability to live inside the Sun is worshipped on the 4th day of Navratri.
Oṃ Devī Kūṣmāṇḍāyai Namaḥ

Skandamata recognised as the “goddess of fire” holds baby Skanda in her lap. She is worshipped not the 5th day of Navratri.
Oṃ Devī Skandamātāyai Namaḥ

Katyayani is the daughter of the sage Katyayana who will bestow boons upon those who worship and revere her with a pure heart. She is worshipped on the 6th day of Navratri.
Oṃ Devī Kātyāyanyai Namaḥ

Kalaratri is the most ferocious form of Mother Durga meaning Night of Death. She is greater than Kaala (time) itself and is worshipped on the 7th day of Navratri.
Oṃ Devī Kālarātryai Namaḥ

Mahagauri, the goddess of purity and cleanliness is worshipped on the 8th day of Navratri.
Om Devi Mahagauryai Namah

Siddhidhatri, the one who removes ignorance and provides the knowledge to realise true reality is worshipped on the 9th day of Navratri.
Om Devi Siddhidatryai Namah