Atma Studios interviewed Samiksha, Founder of House of Glyphs, a Creative Hobbist who transitioned into a Brand Consultant and launched her own business.
1. How did you get to know about the Artpreneur Program?
It was during the start of COVID wave when my life under went some major changes. I got married and I shifted to a new city. I was trying to figure out what was I going to do with my life, when one day I got a call from my previous boss/mentor and he suggested that I have a look at this program. He insist that I join it. I had a look into it and to my surprise I was intrigued by everything the course had to offer.

Conceptualised and Designed by Samiksha, House of Glyphs | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch
2. What made you take up this 1-year Program?
I was always excited and looking forward to learning new things especially when it came to art. When I first saw the syllabus of the program I was blown away by the number of different art styles and software's we were going to learn. I then decided to get on a call with one of coordinator. While I was talking to him, I just knew in my gut that this is what the universe has in store for me and I had a really good feeling about it. Therefore, I joined the program.

Conceptualised and Designed by Samiksha, House of Glyphs | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch
3. What do you do now? Can you describe your Journey after the Artpreneur Program?
When I joined this program I didn’t have any specific career goal, but as the program progressed ,the only question I kept asking myself was - what will be my end goal? I then had a discussion with the mentor and educator and they asked me to believe in the program and in myself, slowly everything would fall in place. I did just that and by the end of the program I knew what I had to do. The feeling of having a goal and believing in it, is just beautiful. Within 5 to 6 months after the program ended, I started my own design studio called “HOUSE OF GLYPHS” which specializes in logo designing, branding and invites. None of this would have been possible without the Artpreneur program and my mentors who believed in me and kept pushing me to do better.

Conceptualised and Designed by Samiksha, House of Glyphs | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch
4. How was your collaboration with your mentor, during and after the program?
Before the program even started, I had heard so much about the founder of this program” “Mr. SCD BALAJI”. I was curious to know more about him.
It was only after the program started that I interacted with sir and I was surprised at how much he had to offer. He has always so calm, selfless and willing to share his learnings and wisdom with everyone. It was a blessing to have him as a mentor. Even after the course got over, I knew I could always turn to him for any advice or inspiration.
It was only after the program started that I interacted with sir and I was surprised at how much he had to offer. He has always so calm, selfless and willing to share his learnings and wisdom with everyone. It was a blessing to have him as a mentor. Even after the course got over, I knew I could always turn to him for any advice or inspiration.

Conceptualised and Designed by Samiksha, House of Glyphs | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch
5. The program commits any amateur can master art, what is your opinion and experience on it ?
Yes definitely, any amateur who takes up this program can master art. Art is all around us and this program made me realise and see things which I would not notice before and once you start to see things the perspective starts to change. By the time that happens you are already half way through the process.
The time I started this program, I had zero experience when it came to digital art. I thought that since I’m good at drawing on traditional medium, this would be not be as difficult. But it so turns out that if is a different ball game and one has to unlearn and relearn so many new things. This program was structured in such a way that we could master any art form in just a few days. All you had to do was believe in the program, trust the process and commit to it.

Conceptualised and Designed by Samiksha, House of Glyphs | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch
6. Apart from technical aspects, what have you learnt from the Artpreneur program?
The major thing which I learnt from the program and which changed my life for better was DISCIPLINE. I realised that there is no shortcut to success. You have to go through ups and down and do be honest to yourself, and to do that you have to be disciplined.

Conceptualised and Designed by Samiksha, House of Glyphs | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch
7. Would you recommend the Artpreneur program to others? What would you say to people looking to join the Artpreneur program?
Yes I definitely would recommend this program to others. Anyone who wants to have a successful career in art, this is where you should start. The program teaches you everything you have to learn about art, right from scratch. Throughout the program you have an educator guiding you through the entire process, pushing you to do better, moulding you and believing in you. That’s one of the most loved and unique thing about this program.

Conceptualised and Designed by Samiksha, House of Glyphs | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch
8. Do you regret not joining a traditional art and design school? How different is Artpreneur Program from other design courses?
What I learnt in these 9 months was so much more than what I learnt in my previous school. I was introduced to a new aspect of art that I didn’t even know existed. Not every design school or a course provides a mentor and educator guiding you through all of it. In this program they go that extra mile to review your work, give you feedback and tell you ways in which you can improve.

Conceptualised and Designed by Samiksha, House of Glyphs | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch
9. What were you working as, before joining Artpreneur?
Before joining Artpreneur I have worked in the fashion industry for a year.

Conceptualised and Designed by Samiksha, House of Glyphs | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch
10. What do you do now? Are you making money after completing Artpreneur program?
After the completion of Artpreneur program I started my own design studio “house of glyphs”
Which specializes in logo designing, branding, and e-invites. And yes, I have been working for a few brands and for sure reaping the fruits, because of the program.
Which specializes in logo designing, branding, and e-invites. And yes, I have been working for a few brands and for sure reaping the fruits, because of the program.

Conceptualised and Designed by Samiksha, House of Glyphs | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch

Conceptualised and Designed by Samiksha, House of Glyphs | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch
To Know more about the Program, Please click and explore the below links
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The Program Coordinator and Mentor will brief you on the Program Orientation, Program Structure, Program Time, Fee Structure, Technical Requirements, Portfolio Mentoring, Career Guidance, and other topics via a scheduled Zoom audio + screen sharing session.
Thank you for enquiring with us and providing your preferred date and time. Our program coordinator will promptly contact you to schedule a meeting based on your availability within the next 24 hours.
Mrs. Niveditha
(Program Co-ordinator)
+ 91 96004 41080
Whatsapp / Call / SMS