Some of life's most memorable choices come from following one's heart.

Conceptualised and Illustrated by Shruti Dixit, Studio Pistache | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch

Conceptualised and Illustrated by Shruti Dixit, Studio Pistache | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch
This one particular incident along with my gut feeling made me believe in the genuineness of the Program. I followed up twice post that with my doubts and nudged to see if the timings could be adjusted, but each time I received the same response

Conceptualised and Illustrated by Shruti Dixit, Studio Pistache | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch
My husband, mother and sister were the only ones to know when I decided to quit and join the program. They were skeptical, yet supportive. Like most people it took them sometime to trust what the Program was offering. I shared it with my father and in-laws much later

Conceptualised and Illustrated by Shruti Dixit, Studio Pistache | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch
Post completion of the Program I also took up the role of being an Educator in Artpreneur Program for the love of teaching and sharing my learnings

Conceptualised and Illustrated by Shruti Dixit, Studio Pistache | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch

Conceptualised and Illustrated by Shruti Dixit, Studio Pistache | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch
My Family earlier wasn’t convinced or sure of how I would start earning through Art. But by seeing the my work and projects they have started believing in it too.

Conceptualised and Illustrated by Shruti Dixit, Studio Pistache | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch

Conceptualised and Illustrated by Shruti Dixit, Studio Pistache | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch

Conceptualised and Illustrated by Shruti Dixit, Studio Pistache | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch

Conceptualised and Illustrated by Shruti Dixit, Studio Pistache | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch

Conceptualised and Illustrated by Shruti Dixit, Studio Pistache | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch

Conceptualised and Illustrated by Shruti Dixit, Studio Pistache | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batch

Conceptualised and Illustrated by Shruti Dixit, Studio Pistache | Artpreneur Program Alumni 2020-2021 | Hymns of Cosmos Batchsp